Rest: Hell, My Body Needs This
There is a powerful message in the concept of filling your own cup. Yes, filling your cup, allowing your cup to overflow and learning daily, that you cannot pour from an empty cup.
But what do you do when your cup is dry? Not empty, but dry?
In my first published book, I wrote a small note to myself about my cup being chipped, empty and dry at times. That was my first self-reminder about its importance.
“What comes out of the cup is for ya”ll. What’s in the cup is mine. But I’ve got to keep my cup full. ”
This past week, I experienced JOY, happiness, fatigue, grief, and all the emotions that make us human. Right? I pay close attention to the days I feel fatigued and exhausted. Lack of rest and clarity can disrupt quite a bit in our daily lives, I am a huge advocate for naps! Or in other words, resting my eyes. Our bodies can feel, detect and warn us when it is time to slow down, take a pause and FULL on stop.
This memo was loud and clear for me this past week. I fully cancelled Thursday.
Thursday morning, I was halfway through an assignment and multiple e-mails. Needless to say, I had so many tabs open in my mind; a growing to-do list, imposter syndrome wouldn’t let me rest, and I was constantly going on a few hours of sleep. I had class within the hour, so my anxiety crept upon me and wouldn’t allow me to type let alone finish my assignment. I began to panic.
Oh! To add insult to injury, the weather was a mixture of rain, snow, bitter cold, and I checked my ovulation calendar …let’s just say, I cried a salty river. I came to the abrupt conclusion, I needed to rest.
I’ve grown from feeling guilty when I take a day off, skip an assignment, call out from anything, and simply put ME first. I’ve grown past that. I recognize that everyone’s situation and circumstances may be different, but it took some severe ill moments for me, personally, to learn this.
Right before my move to Philly, I was committed to the hospital. I was in the hospital as a result of stress and exhaustion. I was still committed to finishing up my transition reports at work , packing my apartment, financial budgeting, trying to maintain my sanity and all the things in between. I had some amazing moments with friends before I left Atlanta, but stress and exhaustion had me weak and in a hospital bed. This wasn’t the first time, but I vowed it would be the last, if I had any control over it. I knew my breaking points, but I ignored them.
Last Thursday, it felt good to be on do not disturb in all aspects; with work, school, personal relationships and all. I even muted the dating apps! I stripped down, allowed my tears to flow and slept all day. I realized I had emotions I needed to feel, productivity I needed to put at a halt, and honestly shut down and rest. My body needed it. I’ve been at capacity, and moving forward I am holding myself accountable to paying attention to that a bit more.
Living a life of ease, patience, and rest is what I am committed to. That is a component of self-care and self-love is for me.
What did Savannah (Whitney Houston) say in Waiting to Exhale? “Hell, my body needs this.” I felt Savannah on the level she was coming from, but in this context, I’m speaking rest.
It’s Sunday evening and I am basking in my rest and pleasures. I have a glass of dry red wine, chocolate covered cashews, and Jumping the Broom is playing as background noise. I’ve shared my current read below, and I have found that reading throughout the week has added a switch up to my daily routine.
I encourage you to find something simple to switch up your weekly routines to avoid burnout. Maybe make a fun to-do list that relates to things that you find enjoyable, things you can mix into your daily work and pleasure habits. Find time for YOU and REST.
Take care.
Current read: WILL - Memoir by Will Smith
Would you all like my weekly reads? My writing playlists? Leave a comment below, let me know.
Heather J.