Releasing From My Grasp
While battling waves of sadness and re-visited grief in multiple days at a time, I find that’s where I can light my creative candle. It is during times of scattered thoughts, disbelief and echoes that I discover what I need to release desperately from my tight grasp.
“What am I being called to let go of?”
Parts of myself are shedding.
I’m being called to let go of this negative thought attached to how I once viewed forgiveness. I’ve developed more intentional ways to connect with myself, forgiving Heather’s old self; realizing that the mistakes I’ve made in the past do not define me.
Digging beneath the surface, to the core, I am being called to let go of this fulfillment of being everything to everyone except myself. I have found myself giving to the point of empty, when my hands have been to the point of fragility unable to hold anything more. I’ve learned that all things break, including myself when I refuse to let go of this fear of asking for help.
The space between where I’ve been and where I’m going, I’m letting go of the fear of taking on other individuals projected thoughts and opinions about my personal journey. The path that I have chosen has revealed a courage, strength and overall resiliency within me that has been found through the depths of tears and faith.
Broken instruments still play beautiful melodies of perseverance.
My grasp has loosened and is ready to release the things no longer meant for me along this path that once worked during a time of abundance. I’ve looked in the mirror and affirmed myself that it is okay to change my mind, it is okay to want more and desire more. A beautiful human with a kind heart in my life reminded me that I deserve the life I want without qualifying statements.
So I am releasing the need of over explaining myself.
I am letting go of the explanations, pre-context and the fear of reaction to the decisions I choose to make for myself within this life.
As I journal and reflect of the thought of letting go, seasons changing, and the shift in my perspective, I can be grateful for the space of reflection and growth.
The aches in my & bones
Strains in my heartstrings being pulled
Salty tear ducts
Running endlessly through my night terrors
Is a strengthened version of myself reminding me that it is time to truly and indefinitely begin to
Release from my grasp and LET GO.