cooking as a form of healing: anxious Black woman
My sensation and JOY after a long day is smooth soulful jazz, a glass (or two) of Pinot Noir and something well-seasoned in my oven. Thursday evenings are usually reserved for MY self-date and solo-celebration evenings where I spend intentional and uninterrupted time with Heather. This past Thursday evening, I had the sounds of Sade blaring through my speakers, a glass of Pinot Noir accompanying me in the kitchen AND my dinner in the oven.
Thursday Night’s Dinner Menu: (Appetizer) Fried Green Tomatoes with Goat Cheese & Sriracha (Main Meal) Pan-Seared Steak (Seasoned with Rosemary & Garlic), Oven-Roasted Red Potatoes (With Dill) and Lemon & Herb Marinated Sauteed Kale.
Cooking is a form of expressing creativity, experiencing peace and overall spending time with self. I’ve allowed cooking to be a place of serenity for me and a place of escape. When I feel myself becoming overwhelmed by my emotions, I cook.
I often struggle with sitting in “uncomfortable emotions” due to this constant need of being productive to mask my frustrations (although it helps, it isn’t healthy). Cooking helps me relieve any tension, anxiety or worry that I may experience.
Living with anxiety and depression can be challenging.
I’m consistently growing through my challenges while seeking and receiving the help & support needed to function on a daily basis; pulling myself out of anxiety attacks weekly is a heavy burden to bear. Cooking and expressing myself through writing, specifically poetry, helps calm my anxieties; but it doesn’t erase my anxiety or magically make my anxiety go away.
What it does do, is it allows me to be in a separate place for awhile. It allows me to surpass suffocation from the exhaustion of perfection. Cooking and writing allows me to be free, innovative and discover new pieces of myself I didn’t know existed because of .. my anxiety.
As time has passed, I’ve worked through my ability to be authentic with myself and understand that vulnerability is a gift to myself as I work through my healing. I am grateful for my skill of cooking, I am beyond grateful for the beautiful souls within my life that allow me to be me authentically me and whole without an apology. My love for those transcends to a height unimaginable.
Love Through Music
My Creative Recipe
Music Brings Me JOY While Cooking
A Seat At The Table, TRULY got me through some of the most challenging moments during my twenties-chapter. I still reflect on what that album did for me.
Waiting to Exhale, NOW! This soundtrack, I listen to weekly and Babyface knew what he was doing with this writing and the collaborations; such powerful BLACK women on this project.
India Arie, WELL. Anything by this woman is absolutely phenomenal and life changing. Specifically, Voyage to India and Songversation.
I’ve come to the realization that what I need most on days where I feel stagnant is my cooking & creativity. I need peace, patience and the space to fail, pick myself up and try again. To recognize the light within myself that ignites a passion that I’m able to fulfill. I need to stand firm in the reconstructed boundaries I set for myself and others.
What I need most is to recognize that I am human and I am not defined by my past of the things I’m continuously learning and unlearning through this transition.
Take your time.
Love yourself more.
Love, Heather