End Goal: Self-Compassion
"I challenge you to give yourself kindness."
My therapist spoke those words to me and I slightly cringed at the thought of, "I try my hardest to do such a thing - I think I do a good job at it." But the reality of the situation is, I don't. There is always more room to grow, to give and be a beacon of light to myself just a bit more.
I'm the hardest on myself, I can admit.
Maybe because I am the one deep down inside who truly knows what I am capable of, so when I produce anything less I can be super critical of myself.
My profession and natural aptitude of communication, care and compassion has me conditioned to always put others first - continuously pushing out that kindness at often times forgetting about myself.
I struggle with this concept of telling temporary people permanent things because I love seeing the good in people and I love communication among others; but then I feel bad for opening up. I'm challenging myself with the idea that maybe, just maybe I am teaching someone something along the way with my words.
Writing deadlines creep upon me like no other, I am critical on myself if I don't have a particular flow because again, I get the final say, right? I'm challenging myself to be more accepting of my work and realizing that it may inspire another.
I challenge you to give yourself more kindness and grace along the way. Along the way of navigating valid feelings.
Being kind to my body also serves a meaningful purpose.
“Loving every inch of me from my hair follicles to my toes”
We both will work through the journey of wrapping ourselves in kindness, joy and love.
Self-Compassion is the end goal.