Early Morning Visitor


we meet again 

heavy eyelids, whistling sounds

thoughts of what could’ve been 

the darkness is still 

tones are wavering at a tempo unrecognizable 

at times I’ve been able to manage

this particular morning 

is unfamiliar 

the comfort you’ve extended is missing 

rhythms are skipped 

and music we’ve made is off-key

anxious thoughts are lingering 

unspoken sentences are waiting 

all I have in this moment 

is solitude touching me in places needed the most 


we meet again 

Serendipity: Natural Response


Her spirit and the rhythm of the waves shared a similar connection,

The unsettled roaring of what is perceived as perfection.

The assumptions attached along her silver lining

Doesn’t allow room for any disruption, flaw or vulnerability.


Was a natural response

When given the choice to change her narrative that came with hesitation.

The shore awaited her return,

She came creeping back to the thick shore

Like the sun

Saying goodbye to a day of serendipity.

Poetic Smoke : A Lover’s Secret

My first smoke was beautiful.

I remember vividly being connected with a sweet aroma, smooth exhale and that light to medium feel and finish I appreciate. Watching ships sail by along the Mississippi River while my fantasies expanded, bourbon neat and my Sunday best, pressed.

While living in New Orleans I began exploring different cigars, social groups & events, and an overall community of enjoyable life. I appreciate the experience I had while living in The Big Easy along with this grand introduction to the smoking lifestyle.


Smoking cigars if a form of self-care for me.

After a long day I have found beautiful peace within smoking a good stick, timeless jazz and the blank pages of my journal. Exhaling fears, doubts, and overwhelming thoughts, a good smoke is usually my long-day cure. With well-designed playlists and a great cigar recommendation, my evenings at a local cigar lounge are set.

An amazing smoke paired with a neat bourbon is similar to a steamy summer romance for me. The relationship between a good cigar and my inquiring mind, beautiful. It usually begins as a knowledge seeking endeavor and ends in a thriller review process that has left quite the impression.

I’m a poet, published author and Atlanta-based blogger. I take pride in being a lover of cigars, good-smooth bourbon, great connections, red lipstick and an amazing time. This blog has been dedicated to my extended thoughts, short poetry bursts and my cigars & cooking.

Welcome to Poetic Smoke.

Watering Her Roots (2018)

Release (2020)

Smoke Well,

Heather J.