Inner Child JOY
She’s proud of you.
Your inner child is someone who admires the woman that you’ve become. She’s filled with joy, and she feels safe with you.
She’s experiencing life with the tools and inner work you’ve done, and are continuing to do to make this possible.
The aisle she’s walking down is filled with tenacity, anticipation, and experiences far more than you could’ve ever dreamed.
Pieces of the crown are fit for a Queen on her throne of resilience, courage and abundance.
The layers of protection are thick, aware and forgives the past mistakes made out of trauma responses, knowledge at the time and the means of survival.
Your faith and strength stands taller than beanstalks that aren’t cut down by raised voices and shifted blame.
The joy in her laughter is authentic because the comfort felt at home and the peace that is unfolding in her moments of solitude are finally making sense. .
Your inner child isn’t just tasting cotton candy, she’s feeling it. The sugar rush isn’t slowing down.
She’s happy.