Season Of Mellow Fruitfulness
I feel like you and I frequently meet on the basis of understanding. I'm trying to understand how to navigate through a season of giving and embracing loved ones, specifically on days when I need to be embraced.
I begin to reflect beyond the surface of myself, I've become rich instantly as I begin to count my blessings. I become full when I begin to feed my appetite of giving, my expectations lessen as I see others with less than me.
November, you creep up in the worst way possible. My holiday blues play with without skips, and the record is the same. I'm grateful for the season but missing a key element each time around.
Time begins to move faster toward the completion of the year, I think of the projects I've yet to complete or the goals I still have to crush. November, you allow me time to reflect and PAUSE while gracefully accepting the concept of change.
Taking things for granted dulls the brightest colors and I've learned to appreciate the beauty around me and within my beautiful soul.
Thank you.