Gentle Reminder
Recognizing where I've been these last couple of weeks hasn't been easy.
It hasn't been easy admitting that I need help in various areas. It hasn't been easy recognizing that I've been ignoring my own mental health to appease others and it definitely hasn't been easy trying to explain to others the space I've been in lately.
Between various transitions, countless amount of hours spent at work, maintaining multiple budgets and trying to squeeze date nights in where I can; it's been tough.
A few things have warmed my heart this past week. The simple things in life, like being surprised with sunflowers, having students shower me with words of affirmations at the most unexpected times and overall realizing that I am the light in someone else's dark days. It makes me smile, it brings me peace, it truly is a blessing within itself.
One of the things that I have tried to remember during challenging times is that, they don't last always. Challenging times are presented to us at times to spark a fire within us, to strengthen us and to overall show us the beauty that others may see in us on days that we can't even see it ourselves.
This is a simple reminder for anyone going through a storm, anyone struggling with patience and for those during their season of harvest - your abundance is coming.
Love always.