Before You Leave


Before you leave, I want to tell you how much I've appreciated this challenging journey, this thrill of a roller coaster ride. I want to express my gratitude thus far and tell you how much I've anticipated the start of a new season. Before you leave, I'd like to write a love letter ending and beginning with each expressive thought. 

I want to thank you.

You may read this and think to yourself that 2017 isn't over yet and we still have 4 months left; that's right, we have 4 full months left of the year. The year in which some of us set resolutions, goals and made a vow to break bad habits. A year that we recited our own personal mantras stating "this is my year." Whatever promise you made to yourself, you still have time to live out that promise and to recite that mantra. 

It was on my heart to write something about September and welcome her with open arms. I prayed and meditated on scriptures about being fruitful and letting the desires of your heart be made know and it came to me. Writing something so simple allowed me to meditate and receive abundance; my thoughts were pure and positive. I was simply reminded to: keep going.  

Fall is our constant reminder of how beautiful it is to let dead things go. Let if fall, let the beauty manifest over time. Allow yourself room to breathe and heal in your own timing. 

With 4 months left in the year, I will continue to treat myself with the up most respect. It goes beyond saying "self-care," it begins to tap into those promises I made myself, those goals I initially set. Respecting my mind. body, and soul with paying more attention to what matters in achieving my goals. 

Being more intentional with reaching out to others before it's too late is a promise I intend to keep. Booking an international flight and enjoying breezes, tastes and another one's way of life; singing to rhythms I'm not familiar with. 


Before you leave, I want to make sure that I'm doing everything with pure intentions to continue to live positively, grow & heal, learn new things, accomplish short-term and long-terms goals and to truly give it all I've got. 

A short note and reminder to self. 

Heather J. Macon