Self-Focused: A Positive Kind of Selfish

In your thoughts is a dangerous place to get lost. 

We begin to evaluate, re-evaluate, become acquainted with self-doubt, become to hard on ourselves and find items to place on extensive to-do lists.

When I've been on wild journeys through my mind, I've found that in my thoughts is a place where I deeply reflect, I accept myself, I question myself, I praise myself and at times I'm too hard on myself. I found myself asking a question, why is it that we focus solely more on the fear of being labeled "selfish" than the actual outcome of being selfish with ourselves?

I've struggled with this before, and at times, I STILL fall. 


It took me a nice amount of time before I truly started living for me, making decisions that made ME happy, saying no with no explanation, trying new things, developing new habits, etc. There was always this notion of being too selfish, or always on the move or not thinking of anyone but myself. But why is that a problem? Why must we factor everyone or everything into the decisions that we make?


Choosing to focus on your wildest dreams IS NOT Selfish. 

Placing value on yourself IS NOT Selfish. 

Doing what's best for you, even during your darkest hour IS NOT Selfish. 

Seeking self-love and self-acceptance before focusing on anyone else IS NOT Selfish. 

Understanding the importance of positive Self-Focus IS NOT Selfish.

Ridding yourself of toxic people IS NOT Selfish. 

Caring for self IS NOT Selfish. 

Understand that you must give yourself the best version of love before you can offer it to anyone else. It's something that's easier said than done and at times we learn the hard way. We learn by failing, and I wouldn't be who I am today if I hadn't failed a few times and gave myself multiple chances to get it right. 

People may not understand the decisions you make or the actions you take, but that's it, nobody has to understand. Do what YOU feel is best and what makes you happy. As long you understand and remain true to yourself, you'll never lose sleep. I know I may be criticized for the goals and decisions I have made for this upcoming season, but that's ok. I'm fine.


Do what makes you happy without explaining yourself.
— Heather J.

Artwork by: Nicholle Kobi